February 26, 2011

Working it off!

I must say,  the  winter of 2010 was lazy for me and I feel it now! I just laid around the house most of December and did a whole bunch of nothing which is quite unusual for me but hey, I did it! I was looking forward to the storms that stir things up but nothing really wild came a calling. And I think I had overdosed a bit on the winter of '09 and most of '10 as I put in a lot of water time. So maybe I just needed a break! Now however it's time to pay for my sins and get busy. Have gotten back in to my "twice weekly and one good day on the weekend" routine and I actually feel a bit better as a result. I think that just getting outside  is refreshing but being able to paddle the open sea...

This year I plan on focusing a bit more on the distance aspect of my paddling. I love playing in the surf as it is fantastic for learning bait control, balance...But I really want to take an trip in the near future and think that being is good shape is paramount to having a good time and successful trip. You honestly never know what's around the corner on the ocean so better be prepared.

To celebrate my anticipated success I did my first solo paddle to Platform Gina up off the coast from Channel Islands Harbor in January. (Just so happens this is one of my favorite places to paddle as there is great water, wonderful people and a great sandwich shop they call "Daddy O's" that you have to try.) Gina sits off the coast about 5 miles and just sits there out in the ocean humming along. I have to admit that it is pretty impressive when you paddle up close to it. And I could never imagine what all those freakin' pipes are for! Amazing! Anyway, it' a nice paddle and provides a good workout, just be aware of the weather and be safe.